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Lubenham CE Primary School

LubenhamCE Primary School

Religious Education

At  Lubenham All Saints our Religious Education curriculum is underpinned by Christian values and aims to inspire all our children in their learning. It promotes understanding and respect about religion and belief. 

It is taught in accordance with the Leicestershire Revised Syllabus for Religious Education and supplemented by Understanding Christianity. Using this blended approach ensures that pupils develop their knowledge and understanding following similar strands throughout school, which allows them to build upon and make connections in their learning.


Our school has a strong Christian ethos with opportunities for pupils to learn about and evaluate their own views on this and other world religions. We teach Religious Education discreetly in both Key Stage 1 and 2 every week. In Early Years, the opportunities for learning are interwoven around the children’s own life experiences and are linked to learning about an awareness of similarities and differences and celebrating each other’s cultural diversity.


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