Meet Lubenham School PTA. We are a registered charity and made up of parents and carers, with a wide variety of skills and interests, whose aim is to raise funds for the benefit of all children at Lubenham All Saints CE Primary School in a fun and sociable way.
Some of our recent fundraising events include:
- Christmas Craft Fair
- Christmas Raffles
- Ice Cream Sales
- School Discos
- Cake & Doughnut Sales
- Producing items for sale, e.g.Christmas cards
- School Fair at Lubenham Scarecrow Weekend
- Parent Socials
We always welcome new parents and carers to help and support our varied fundraising events.
We also organise fun events for the children, such as Easter Eg Hunts and Pancake Races. Our successful fundraising has meant that we have managed help fund, school trips, computer equipment, fund new library books, outdoor seating, Year 6 Ambassador hoodies, new starters gifts, sports equipment for example and we continue to have big fundraising plans.
Make sure you check out our Facebook and Instagram pages and join our Whatsapp community to keep up to date with our latest news and events.
We strive to improve the school’s facilities and experiences for all the children. We meet regularly to discuss fundraising ideas and plan events in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. There are lots of roles that help support the PTA from admin & social media to researching and applying for grants – it is not just organising events where you can get involved.
Once your child joins Lubenham School, you are automatically a member of the PTA so do come along and join us!