At Lubenham our aim is to develop lifelong mathematicians who are curious and creative. We want pupils to recognise the importance of having a deep understanding which is achieved by investigating and exploring mathematical concepts. Fostering a growth mathematical mind-set is key to this as pupils become resilient and resourceful in their mathematical journey.
Our maths teaching and learning is underpinned by the following key messages:
- Everyone can learn maths to the highest level.
- Mistakes help us to learn; never be afraid to make mistakes.
- Asking great questions deepens our understanding.
- Maths is about being creative and making connections.
- Maths is about being fluent and flexible.
- Understanding maths is much more important than how fast you are.
- The steps that you take when finding the answer are just as important as the answer itself.
(Messages developed by Jo Boaler Professor of Mathematics Education, Stanford University)
Maths learning at Lubenham follows the high quality guidance of the White Rose scheme of work which allows us to ensure accurate coverage across the whole school.
Every child has a natural curiosity about the way the world works; science lessons show us how to get answers to some of the questions that they ask.
Children learn about animals, plants and their bodies e.g. the importance of a varied diet and exercise for good health. Children also learn about materials such as wood, paper, rock and how they can be used and changed. They also learn that some can be mixed and separated. They learn about simple ideas in physics, taught through experiences with electricity, forces, light and sounds. Children also learn some basic facts about the Sun, Earth and Moon.
Through work in these areas children are taught about scientific enquiry. Children and teachers pose questions and work together to find answers by investigating and recording data. They think about their tests and compare results and patterns. Children then communicate their work and their results in scientific language, drawings, tables and graphs. Learning is revisited to enable children to recall key scientific facts.
Design and Technology
Design and Technology gives children the opportunity to investigate how well familiar objects work and how to solve practical problems skilfully, creatively and with imagination. Children are taught to look at products to see how they work and how they are used, and ask the views of people who use them. They practice practical skills and tasks such as cutting, joining, fixing and connecting and they design and create their own products, using what they have learned.