School Council
Lubenham School Council is well established and gives opportunities for the pupils to be involved in improving school life for everyone. By involving pupils in solving problems and resolving conflicts we hope to provide opportunities to develop skills that will be important throughout their lives. Children are invited to volunteer if they are interested in becoming involved in the School Council. The next step is for all the children to vote for those they want to represent them on the School Council. The School Council is made up of children from years 2/3/4/5/6. The Year 6 children act as buddies for the younger children and help with their Class Council meetings.
Our School Council meets on alternate weeks for half an hour. We have a chairperson, vice-chair, secretary and treasurer. The chair and vice-chair are responsible for running the meetings, giving everyone an opportunity to have their say and making sure that the School Council comes up with practical solutions to problems. The secretary takes the minutes and these are distributed to each class to make sure that everyone knows about the activities of the School Council. The treasurer is responsible for keeping records of the money that the School Council has and what it is spent on. Every other week, we hold Class Council meetings where the children feedback what has happened in School Council meetings and also take note of ideas and issues brought up by their class.
School Council have their own noticeboard outside Blackbird's class where pictures of all our School Council members and their roles and fundraising events are displayed and the suggestion box is in the library.