Green Team
Green Team has been running since 2014, with enthusiastic representatives from years 2 -6. There are currently 12 members. When spaces become available (usually at the start of the school year), pupils are invited to apply to join. We are very proud to have been awarded the top Eco-Schools Award, the Green Flag, in April 2020.
We follow the Eco-Schools Programme, which involves studying a variety of Eco-related topics such as: Energy, Transport, Waste, Biodiversity, Litter, School Grounds, Marine, Water, Healthy Living and Global Citizenship.
Green Team hold a formal meeting every half-term, which is run by year 6 members in the roles of Chairperson, Deputy and Secretary (the roles are rotated between pupils at every meeting to give each child the experience of every role).
Every half-term there are also informal activity sessions, where the Team work on projects related to their Action Plan. Recent activities have included:
- learning about the perfect mix for home-made compost
- making posters about our photocopying campaign
- potting up cuttings to provide a plant for every classroom
We very much welcome parent help with our meetings and activity sessions. Please contact the school office if you are interested in this. A volunteer DBS check will be required.
For further information see this link to Eco Schools: or contact Mrs Lingley via the School Office.