Reading and Phonics
At Lubenham we place the highest importance on providing all children with a structured approach to learning to read from their very first days with us. In EYFS and Year 1, we use a phonics programme called Sounds-Write. Children, in their daily phonics sessions, are taught conceptual knowledge and skills that enable them to say the sounds, read and write the words.
Sounds-Write is a programme aimed at helping children learn to read quickly and easily. We introduce the children to the basic sounds in the English language.Children then read story books that are carefully matched to the spellings and sounds that they have been taught. As they grow in confidence, children are then taught alternative ways of reading the same sounds and read books that contain them. We encourage children to use their knowledge of sounds when reading, rather than relying on picture clues, ultimately giving them the tools they need to read independently.
Parents can support their child at home by sharing reading opportunities and looking at a range of books together.
Reading at School
We pride ourselves on our strong reading culture at Lubenham. Reading is at the very heart of our curriculum. Our English lessons are centred around a range of high quality children books. We very much link spoken language, reading and writing in order that children can become more confident in all areas of the curriculum.
Children have daily opportunities to read. At times, they read individually, in pairs, in small groups or as a whole class. The reading curriculum focuses on word reading (decoding words) and understanding of texts (comprehension). We teach these skills alongside each other. Opportunities are planned into our lessons for children to discuss what they are reading, share opinions and explore different responses to texts.
We have our own school library. Once children are independent readers, they can choose from a range of fiction or non fiction books here. Each classroom also has a reading area and its own stock of books for children to read.