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Lubenham CE Primary School

LubenhamCE Primary School

Personal Development of Pupils

At our school, we believe in fostering positive relationships and mutual respect amongst all members of our community. Our Code of Conduct is built on four key principles:

  • Choose Respect
  • Choose Kindness
  • Do Your Best
  • Step Up and Take Part

These values are central to everything we do, and we teach them explicitly to our students. Children work towards completing the School Value Awards, which culminate in becoming School Ambassadors in Year 6. Our core  Christian values include:

  • Friendship
  • Wisdom
  • Dedication
  • Forgiveness
  • Hope
  • Service
  • Peace

These run alongside other important values such as  British Values (Liberty, Rule of Law, Democracy, Respect and Tolerance) and our Intrinsic Values.  These are important values to our school and include;  Friendship, Respect, Dedication, Community, Eco, Responsibility. The links and overlaps between these values are made explicit to our children and taught throughout everything we do as connected values, such as collective worship, PHSE, RE, our History and Geography curriculum , stories, visits and visitors and others. 

Throughout their time at our school, children engage with these values through a set of key ideas linked to each value. By the end of Year 5, they  become School Ambassadors, taking on the responsibility of being role models for younger pupils. This journey not only helps them grow academically but also shapes them into compassionate, respectful, and active members of society, developing an understanding of other cultures, ideas and beliefs.