Lubenham Primary School is a Church of England Primary School at the heart of a village community. It has a strong Christian ethos and links with both its local church and community. Our Christian values of Respect, Friendship, Honesty, Dedication, Kindness and Forgiveness underpin everything we do.
Children normally start school in the year in which they turn five but mid-year applications from children moving to the area or from other schools will also be welcome if we have space available to accommodate them.
If you would like to arrange to visit the school before making an application please contact the school office on 01858 462319 or email
Admissions Policy
Children starting school for the first time will normally start on the first day of the Autumn Term following their 4th birthday. Applications for first admissions must be made by January of the year in which the child is due to start school; any application received after the closing date will be treated as a mid-year admission.
The school has a maximum of capacity of 105 places with a planned admission limit of 15 per cohort. However, if the cohort one year above has fewer children in it than the admissions limit, the school may admit extra children to balance numbers.
The school's admissions authority is Learn Academies Trust and the admissions policy is reviewed annually.
Applications must be made via the Local Authority for the county in which you live. If you live in Leicestershire, this can be found here
Please see the policies below for full details.
Mid-Term Admissions
For midterm transfers, please apply via the Learn Academies Trust admissions portal at The school no longer processes midterm admissions through the Local Authority. If you have any questions or require assistance with your application, please contact the school office.
We fully participate in the Local Authority's coordinated admissions scheme. As per the School Admissions Code, all admitting authorities must aim to inform parents of their decision within 10 school days, and it is mandatory that a decision is communicated within 15 school days.
First time admissions in September 2024 and mid-year admissions during the 2024-25 school year:
Learn-AT Admissions Policy Part 1 - 2024/25
Learn-AT Admissions Policy Part 2 - 2024/25 - Lubenham All Saints
First time admissions in September 2025 and mid-year admissions during the 2025-26 school year:
Learn-AT Admissions Policy Part 1 - 2025/26
Learn-AT Admissions Policy Part 2 - 2025/26 - Lubenham All Saints
First time admissions in September 2026 and mid-year admissions during the 2026-27 school year:
Learn-AT Admissions Policy Part 1 - 2026/27
Learn-AT Admissions Policy Part 2 - 2026/27 - Lubenham All Saints
Appeals are administered by the Diocesan Board of Education for Leicester. If you wish to appeal an admissions decision please refer to the information on their website at