School Meals and ParentPay
Lunches are prepared in the school's own kitchen and eaten in the hall. We offer a hot meal, vegetarian option and a sandwich option, and can cater for special dietary requirements - please contact the Business Manager to discuss.
Meals are currently free of charge to all pupils in Reception, year 1 and year 2. From year 3 they are charged at £2.55 per day, unless your child is eligible for income-assessed Free School Meals (see below). All meals must be booked in advance on Parentpay.
Our popular kitchen team, Ginni and Ivana, prepare popular tasty nutritionally-balanced meals, in line with School Food Standards, which limit the amount of fat and sugar in the meals. We try to use local suppliers where possible, such as Farndon Fields Farm Shop, our own kitchen garden produce and always free-range eggs. The meat we source is always Red Tractor Assured minimum standard; we try to include organic meat when possible.
Provision is made for children who bring packed lunches. These should be in a container appropriate for the purpose. (Parents are asked not to send drinks in glass bottles, thermos flasks or cans). In order to adopt a healthy school approach please ensure that your child's packed lunch does not include sweets i.e. lollipops, Mars Bars, Milky Ways, Smarties etc. or fizzy drinks, because of their high sugar content and their ability to spill out.
Children who stay for lunch are not allowed to leave the school grounds at lunchtime. As a preparation for taking part in school dinner sessions, please help your child to become used to a variety of food and encourage your child to try new foods willingly. It is desirable that your child is able to handle a knife, fork and spoon correctly before entering school.
Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school every day. It is important that children drink enough to enable to learn more effectively.
Nuts in school
Please be aware that we have a number of children with allergies in school this year and would appreciate your support in ensuring there are no nuts in lunch boxes. It is not just eating nuts that can have repercussions for them; any contact at all can be very serious in terms of their health and well-being.
Please help us to keep our school environment safe for everyone by avoiding bringing products/snacks containing nuts of any kind in childrens’ lunchboxes, after-school club snacks and also any birthday treats bought into school to share with children. Thank you for your help in this matter.
Booking meals, Dinner Money & Free School Meals
In line with other schools with our Trust, we are asking that all meals are booked in advance on Parentpay, by 8.30am on the day of the meal. Numbers are sent directly to the kitchen, reducing administration time both in the classroom and the office.
- Children in years R, 1 and 2 - are entitled to a free infant meal, no charge will be made but the meal must be booked.
- Children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - meals are charged at £2.55 per day, bookings will expire after 2 hours if there is insufficient credit on the child's dinner money account.
- Children entitled to benefits-based Free School Meals - no charge will be made, but the meal must be booked.
Menus are loaded onto Parentpay, so you can see what's available each day, and you can still book meals on an ad-hoc basis for just the days that suit. Remember to cancel meals in the event of illness or a school trip or you will be charged for the meal.
In an emergency, you can always contact the school office, who will make a manual adjustment to accommodate these occasional circumstances.